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Signs of Cat Pregnancy Week by Week

Signs of Cat Pregnancy 1

Week 2 – Hormonal Changes


During week 2 of cat pregnancy, significant hormonal changes are occurring in your cat’s body. While these changes may not be physically visible just yet, they play a crucial role in preparing your cat’s body for the upcoming development of her kittens.

One of the main hormones involved in cat pregnancy is progesterone. Progesterone levels begin to rise during week 2, and this hormone helps maintain the pregnancy by supporting the growth of the embryos and preparing the uterus for their development. As progesterone levels increase, your cat may experience changes in her behavior and mood. She may become more affectionate and seek more attention from you. You may also notice that she is more territorial, marking her territory by rubbing against objects in your home.

Additionally, another hormone called relaxin is released during week 2. Relaxin helps to loosen the ligaments in your cat’s pelvis, preparing her body for the upcoming delivery of the kittens. This hormone allows her pelvis to expand during labor, making it easier for the kittens to pass through the birth canal.

While these hormonal changes may not be readily visible, they are important milestones in your cat’s pregnancy journey. It is crucial to continue monitoring her closely during this time, providing her with a safe and stress-free environment. Make sure to provide her with a balanced and nutritious diet, as well as access to fresh water at all times.

In the next section, we will discuss the physical changes that begin to emerge during week 3 of cat pregnancy. Stay tuned to learn more about the exciting journey your cat and her kittens are embarking on!


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