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Egg Laying – Why Your Chicken Won’t Lay Eggs

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If you have a laying chicken and she has stopped laying eggs, you may be wondering why. There are many reasons why chickens lay eggs and some of them may not seem logical to the novice chicken owner. Understanding why your chicken isn’t laying eggs can save you frustration and help you get her back into her egg-laying routine as soon as possible! Here are several reasons why your chicken won’t lay eggs!



What Do Chickens Need to Lay Eggs?


Chickens need two things to lay eggs: food and light. The amount of food a chicken eats has a direct impact on how much energy it has, which in turn affects how often it lays eggs. A hen that isn’t getting enough to eat will either stop laying eggs or start eating them—which is essentially cannibalism. That’s why chickens always need a plentiful supply of both food and water at all times! Chickens also require light to lay eggs; they can’t do it in total darkness (it makes them depressed). Providing bright light in your chicken coop will encourage her to lay as many eggs as she can before winter arrives.



What Makes a Good Mother Hen?


If a hen is supposed to lay eggs, why won’t it? There could be several reasons. If a hen is meant to hatch chicks, but you don’t want any in your flock, then you need to make sure that there aren’t any eggs for it to hatch. Sometimes, if an egg gets too cold or too hot or even dirty and misshapen, it can take a long time for it to hatch and give your mother nothing but heartbreak. If your chickens aren’t laying eggs at all, then something may be medically wrong with them. Have them checked out by an expert from your area who can tell you if they are ill or simply no longer fertile.



What Should I Know About My Hen Before Buying One?


When purchasing a chicken, look for one that is alert and active. Pick it up to check its weight; if you can comfortably hold it in your hand, it’s a good weight. The plumage should be soft, smooth, sleek, and shiny. If there are bare patches or broken feathers, he might not be healthy or happy. While they come in all colors (except blue), white chickens tend to have better egg-laying abilities than other colors because they have no pigmentation problems like yellow skin that can cause issues with egg development.



How Often Should My Chickens Lay Eggs?


If you’ve just gotten chicks and are wondering when to expect them to start laying eggs, it might take anywhere from 6 months up to a year for your chickens to start producing. Unless your hens were very young when you got them, you probably won’t see an egg in their first few months. Don’t worry if they’re not laying right away; regular egg production can be expected by around 18 months (though your chickens may start earlier). Once they do start laying, keep in mind that they should lay 1-2 eggs a week.



When Should I Stop Feeding My Chickens Treats?


Feeding a treat to your chickens now and then is fine. If your chickens are used to eating treats, they won’t get fat, but they also won’t lay as many eggs either. So think of treats as a fun thing that makes your chickens happy and improves their lives, but not a means of getting more eggs. When it comes time to cut back on treats in preparation for winter egg laying, try cutting out all treats except greens first, then only feed one treat a day for a week or two, and then stop giving them all together (or at least stop giving them any commercial treats). This way you don’t shock your chicken’s system.



Are Those Brown Or Gray Spots on My Eggs Safe To Eat?


There are times when brown or gray spots appear on eggs. These spots will not harm you, but they can indicate a health problem in your hens. When there is a drop in calcium in a hen’s diet, her reproductive tract becomes weak, and eggshell formation is impaired. The shells of these eggs may have brown or gray spots on them as well. This condition is called internal caking, and it occurs most often when a chicken has been molted.



Is There Anything I Can Do To Help My Hen Start Laying Again?


To encourage egg-laying, your chickens will need an appropriate nest box. Ideally, each chicken should have its nest box. Place nest boxes well away from heaters, because chickens are attracted to warm areas in winter and will want to roost near heaters rather than using their nest boxes. You’ll also want to place them somewhere quiet, where there is less chance of an egg being accidentally broken by a hen crowding in with another for warmth or shelter. Having too many hens sharing one nest box can cause fighting and eggs getting trampled. The recommended ratio is one per four hens.



Where Should I Place The Nest Boxes In My Coop, And Which One Goes To Which Hen?


The best place to put your nest boxes is in a quiet corner of your coop. Place them a foot off of the floor and about two feet away from the walls so that eggs don’t roll out. Make sure that there are no sharp edges for egg shells to crack on, and make sure to install your nest boxes before bringing your hens home. The first thing chickens do when they are introduced into their new homes is look for somewhere quiet to lay their eggs, so you want it up and ready for them.



Should I Use Sand Or Gravel As Bedding For The Nest Boxes?


When choosing a substrate to line your chicken’s nest box, there are two main choices: Sand or gravel. Each has its benefits and drawbacks when it comes to use as chicken bedding material. Here is some information on both sand and gravel so that you can make an informed decision about which one to use in your coop.



How Many Times Does A Hen Typically Lay In One Day, And How Long Between Each Egg Layer Cycle?


A typical chicken lays eggs 3 to 4 times per week, with an egg-laying cycle of about 27 hours. This means she will have 2 or 3 long days where she will lay anywhere from 8 to 10 eggs in a row. Then her egg-laying period is over and she won’t lay another egg for a few days until her next egg-laying cycle begins again. The number of eggs you get depends on how many chickens you have, how old they are, and their breed. A flock that contains many young pullets (young hens) may produce more than one dozen eggs in one day; whereas a flock containing only mature hens may only produce between six and eight dozen per day.



What Do Chickens Need to Go Broody (Start Sitting On The Nest and Not Getting Up Until They Hatch)?


The best way to get your chicken to go broody (start sitting on eggs and not getting up) is to purchase a chick with good brooding potential. The best way to find out if a chicken has good broodiness potential is by looking at its lineage and pedigree. No matter how much training you do, chickens will only go broody when they want to start sitting on eggs… which means some chickens never go broody no matter what you do. By buying chickens with broodiness potential in their bloodline, you can increase your odds of success exponentially. Broodiness is heavily influenced by genetics, so it makes sense that hens purchased from breeders who specialize in breeding broody birds are more likely to be successful when they are trained to sit on nests! It’s also important to note that chickens need to have enough room in their coop for them to feel comfortable going broody.



What Signs Do I Watch Out For That Indicate My Hen Is Trying To Go Broody, But Isn’t Managing It Properly Due To Inclement Weather, Lack Of Good Nest Material, Etc.?


The most common way a hen tries to go broody is by climbing onto a nest box perch and hunkering down there. If you check on her in an hour or two, she’ll still be there. She might move around occasionally but will return to her brood patch within 10 minutes of being disturbed. It can be hard to tell if she’s actually going broody or just ignoring you in an attempt to appear broody, so watch for these other signs There are no eggs under her: This means that she hasn’t been off egg-laying duty long enough to lay one. You should see at least one egg underneath her if she has been broody for more than a few hours.


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