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Cat care: How often should you bathe your cats?

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Taking care of cats can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires regular maintenance. One of the most important aspects of cat ownership is bathing your cat, as it helps to keep its fur and skin healthy. But how often should you bathe your cats? This article will discuss the importance of bathing cats regularly and provide guidelines on how often you should do so.
Bathing your cat can seem like an intimidating task. However, it’s an important part of cat care that should not be avoided. The frequency at which you bathe your kitty depends on the breed and condition of the cat’s coat, whether or not the cat has fleas, and whether the cat lives inside or outside (outside cats require less frequent baths). It also depends on how dirty your cat gets – if they’re constantly rolling around in mud or playing with other cats, they’ll probably need a bath sooner than cats that stay clean throughout the week.


Frequently Asked Questions

I get so many questions about bathing my cat, that I decided to answer them here. Do I need to bathe my cat? Does it matter what shampoo I use for my cat? Can a cat drown in the tub while getting a bath? Read on to learn more.


Why Should I Bathe My Cat?

From a hygiene standpoint, frequent bathing is not necessary. Cats are clean animals, and they groom themselves frequently. Bathing them too often can dry out their skin and hair; instead of baths, it’s best to let them lick themselves clean if they get dirty or have some sort of substance on them they can’t wipe off by themselves.


Where Can I Bath My Cat?

There are several places where you can bathe your cat. Some options include tubs and sinks, washing machines, and big buckets with ladders. Make sure that wherever you choose to wash them is not too hot or cold for their sensitive skin. You’ll also want to be sure there’s no soap residue on any surfaces as it could get into their eyes.



What Do I Need To Bathe My Cat?

You’ll need a shampoo specifically designed for felines, like Precious Cat or Feline Pine. These shampoos usually include oatmeal, which soothes and heals irritated skin. However, if your cat has an open wound or another sensitive area on its body that isn’t responding well to such a rich formula, use gentle baby shampoo instead. To make things easier for both you and Fluffy, purchase a pet showerhead; it will make lathering up much quicker and neater.


What Should I Use to Clean My Cat’s Fur After They Get Wet/Dry (Videos)?

Cats may be self-sufficient little furballs, but they still need a bit of help getting clean. While we wouldn’t recommend bathing a cat all that frequently (it can dry out their skin), there will be times when they just need a thorough cleaning—and it’s up to us to make sure they get one. What’s great is that if you want to bathe your cat without getting wet, there are plenty of options for both humans and pets alike.


What Type of Shampoo Should I Use For My Cat?

Bathing a cat isn’t always easy, but it is necessary for keeping their coat in good health. Finding a shampoo that doesn’t irritate their skin or dry out their fur can be difficult, so we’ve compiled some of our favorite brands to help guide you through selecting one that works best. Check out our list below and grab your favorite today!


Additional Resources

Cat Care; The Fluff Test; Tips for taking baths with kittens.


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Interesting Facts About A Cat’s Paws And Claws

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